No Weather Records Have Been Established For This Station Today as of 06/01/2024 7:30pm
Current Year Records Data collected since 1/1/2024 |
Temperature Records |
Highest Temperature | 88.2°F | 5/21/2024 |
Lowest Temperature | 16.2°F | 1/17/2024 |
Highest Heat Index | 91.4°F | 5/21/2024 |
Lowest Wind Chill | 3.4°F | 1/20/2024 |
Warmest Day (6am - 6pm) | 79.9F | 5/22/2024 |
Warmest Night (6pm - 6am) | 75.0F | 5/23/2024 |
Coldest Day (6am - 6pm) | 20.8F | 1/20/2024 |
Coldest Night (6pm - 6am) | 19.8F | 1/21/2024 |
Wind Records |
Maximum Wind Gust | 34.0 mph | 3/11/2024 |
Highest Average Speed | 19.7 mph | 1/13/2024 |
Highest Daily Wind Run | 137.4 miles | 1/13/2024 |
Precipitation Records |
Highest Daily Precipitation | 1.75 in | 3/9/2024 |
Highest Precipitation Rate | 12.54 in/hr | 5/23/2024 |
Consecutive Days With Precipitation | 6 Days | Ending: 2/17/2024 |
Consecutive Days Without Precipitation | 11 Days | Ending: 1/25/2024 |
Humidity Records |
Highest Humidity | 94% | 1/25/2024 |
Lowest Humidity | 22% | 3/30/2024 |
Highest Dewpoint | 69.1°F | 5/26/2024 |
Lowest Dewpoint | 0.7°F | 1/17/2024 |
Barometer Records |
Highest Barormeter | 30.640 inHg | 3/1/2024 |
Lowest Barometer | 28.987 inHg | 1/10/2024 |